From February 1st the SEPA Conversion Service offered by most Irish Banks will cease to be available.

The SEPA Conversion Service allowed Bank clients to continue submitting “Old Format” bulk payment files – ones containing Sort Code and Account Number details – for processing under the SEPA Scheme.

Once submitted, the Bank would convert the Sort Code and Account Number details to their respective BIC and IBAN equivalents, along with some other formatting changes to make the bulk payment file fully SEPA Compliant.

Along with other changes coming into effect from February 1st, this Conversion Service is to be withdrawn by most Banks. Organisations wishing to submit Bulk Payment EFT files will have to generate their own SEPA Compliant XML files containing BIC and IBAN details for all records.

DEFT from Ardbrook will handle all your needs arising from this withdrawal of conversion services. DEFT can

  • Convert Sort Codes and Account Numbers to their respective BICs and IBANs.
  • Validate all BIC and IBAN details
  • Generate your Bulk Payments File in the correct SEPA XML format – whatever Banking group you Bank with.
  • Generate Remittance Advices incorporating your payment references for easy reconciliation

To find out more or for any assistance around SEPA payments contact us by Phone at +353 (0)1 838 2921 or by email to