Closure of the SEPA Business Service – SBS. Are you affected?
The SEPA Business Service (SBS) for processing Direct Debits against Business Debtors closes on February 1st 2016.
All Debtors, including Business Debtors, will be able to claim a “no quibble” refund for up to eight weeks on all SEPA Direct Debits posted to their Account on or after February 1st, 2016.
The SBS scheme was originally introduced to give Creditors confidence that monies collected from Business Customers by Direct Debit under the SEPA Scheme would not be automatically refunded by their Bank in the event of a claim from the Debtor. This was a reasonable measure during the initial SEPA implementation […]
BIC becomes optional in SEPA XML files from 2016
Did you know that the BIC becomes an optional item in SEPA XML files from February 2016?
Individuals and organisations will not be obliged to provide their BIC when providing their Bank Account details – only their IBAN will be required. What impact could this have for you?
Your SEPA XML files must be able to handle situations where some Debtors do and some don’t provide their BIC details in Direct Debit Files. And similarly where some Creditors / Employees do and some don’t provide their BIC details for your Credit Transfer files. You will need to upgrade your […]
PAYE, USC, PRSI and LPT Calculation Breakdown
A good proportion of the support calls we receive from payroll staff on PayDay are queries about the calculation of PAYE, USC, PRSI and LPT because employees are asking them for explanations.
In light of this, Ardbrook decided to introduce a nice neat feature to make life easier for payroll staff and, by extension their employees by providing a comprehensive breakdown of how these statutory deductions are calculated.
This breakdown is available to payroll staff by clicking on the button on the calculation screen and, if required, a plain paper printout can be produced to give to the employee. […]
Irish SEPA Business Scheme ending on Feb 1st 2016 – Are you ready?
The interim SEPA Business Scheme ends on Feb 1st 2016 and is not to be extended by the Irish Banks.
It is far from clear if the main Irish Banks will make the SEPA B2B scheme available from this date – or if they will all be technically able to do it.
You may have to submit amendments on your payment transactions if you are switching from the SEPA Business Scheme to the CORE scheme. DEFT will handle all the amendments required.
Contact us if you need help switching from the SEPA Business Scheme.
myESS – Ardbrook’s Employee Self Service option in the news
Revelation Software, developers of Open Insight – the underlying Database used in Ardbrook’s EuroPay and myESS products – have been highlighting the excellent performance of the myESS Employee Self Service product.
myESS enables employees to access their Payslips and P60 details over the Web using any internet enabled device – Phone, Tablet or PC. Details are shown as HTML pages so are fully secure and do not remain on the device after the employee exits their browser.
Employees can access their Payslips from the current or any historical period, thereby providing immediate access for the employees and eliminating interruptions to the […]
DEFT from Ardbrook helps Organisations make switch to SEPA
The recent SEPA Focus in Friday’s Irish Times highlighted two major organisations who have recently made the switch to SEPA.
Both UPC and Voxpro have implemented DEFT to handle some or all of their Direct Debit transactions under SEPA.
UPC developed their own SEPA solution to handle the majority of their standard Direct Debits but bought and implemented DEFT to handle less straight forward or more complicated Direct Debits.
Voxpro selected DEFT to handle all their Direct Debits under SEPA. By using DEFT Voxpro didn’t have to modify their legacy systems and by keeping all their data in-house it is much easier […]
Will your Bank accept Std 18 files for DDs after Feb 1st?
The recent announcement by the EPC allowing a six month derogation on the use of local EFT file Formats has been followed by a press release from the Irish Payments Services Organisation – IPSO.
According to the IPSO release, they and their member Banks “continue to aim for completion of the changeover by 1st February 2014.” It’s not clear if this means that Irish Banks will or must continue to accept and process Standard 18 format files after the February 1st date.
There is very little information around on whether or not Irish Banks will continue to accept Standard 18 format […]
Budget 2014 – Employers PRSI Increase
Just a reminder that when from 1 July 2011 the lower rate of employer PRSI was halved (to 4.25%) for all jobs that pay up to €356 per week, that the rate will be restored to 8.5% from 1 January 2014.
Budget 2014 – Main Points
The main points of Budget 2014 are as follows:
Pensions, carers’ allowance, disability benefit are untouched.
Basic rate of social welfare stays the same, as does child benefit.
Maternity benefits standardised at €230 per week
Free travel, respite care grant untouched.
Telephone allowance in the household benefit package to be discontinued from January 1st.
Fuel allowance has been left untouched.
€113m to be saved by […]
Budget 2014 – It’s steady as she goes
Budget 2014 may contain many changes but from the point of view of payroll and the calculation of PAYE Tax, USC and PRSI there are none. It appears that all rates remain the same as they were in 2013.