Top 10 features of EuroPayX Payroll Software
Fully compliant will all Revenue Tax, PRSI and USC requirements
Email Payslips & reports The payslips are compressed, and password protected if required and delivered using your own email server.
Customised Timesheets & links – Timesheet screens for easier data input. Caters for multiple costing within Adjust and Calculate options. On-the-fly permanent amendments to employee tax details. Timesheet links and manual input are interchangeable.
Excel, Word & GL Links
“skylight – a drill down” history – View Employee Master File details period by period. Employee tax details for current tax year may be viewed using pop-ups.
HR and Time and Attendance systems links
One click reporting – All your favourite reports […]
EuroPayX – Irish Language P60’s
EuroPayX irish payroll package has now improved its support for the Irish language by including Irish Language versions of the P60 and Levy cert prints. This complements our already available Irish language payslip stationery. We would be insterested to hear any suggestions as to how to improve the Irish language support within EuroPayX, you can do so by making comments or by emailing us @
EuroPayX – Attach documents to Employee Records
In our EuroPayX irish payroll product it is now possible to link related documents to an employees record. These documents can be in any format such as word, excel or pdf, they can even be scanned from source material enabling you to access an employees complete record from within your payroll software.
To link a document to an employee call up the employees record in the employee window and click on the HR tab. Then click the add document to select the document file to be linked to the employee. It is possible to display any document by double-clicking […]
EuroPayX and PayDay Budget Update CD’s
Ardbrook will post out the Budget update CD’s for 2011 Today. If you require the update sooner please contact us, you can collect your CD by courier or receive your update via email or by download.
EuroPayX – Now you can email P60’s and Levy Certs
For this tax year end Ardbrook have added the option to our EuroPayX irish payroll software to enable you to email P60’s and Year End Income Levy Certs to your employees. If you already use the email payslip facility then this option is for you.
Setting up Email Payslips, P60’s and Levy Certs
Options – Company Details – Email Address – Enter the email address from which the payslips are being sent eg
(Applies to Email Payslips only) Options – Pay Controls – Payslip Tab – Initialise Email Payslip Count – Use this option to […]
EuroPayX – Make use of Word Links
The EuroPayX irish payroll software has a facility called Word Links which allows you to “MailMerge” with Microsoft Word. This is done by creating a Word document with bookmarks inserted into positions at which data from the payroll will be placed, for example employee name,address,salary etc, then within EuroPayX you create a link which defines what data is to be sent and the name of the Word document. Word links can be used for sending standard letters to employees on a variety of topics such as pension, salary changes etc.
EuroPayX – Setting up a Gross To Net Excel Link
It can be useful to setup an Excel link in EuroPayX specifically to replicate the Gross to Net report but with additional fields (usually each Addition and Deduction in the payroll). This overcomes the limitations on the standard gross to net report whose content is limited by the size of an A4 page and allows for a greater level of detail in reporting.
Excel Sheet created by EuroPayX and data then used to create graph.
The Excel link function within EuroPayX can be used to create multiple links […]
EuroPayX – Did you know that photos can be linked to an employee
In EuroPayX a photograph can be linked to an employee’s master file record. To do this simply click on the HR tab and then using the browse button against the image file entry, locate and select the required image. The image selected will appear when viewing the employee master record.
What Everybody Ought to Know about P30/P35 Differences
As we approach the end of the tax year our minds turn to P30/P35 differences, or maybe not! If, on period update (or manually selecting the P30/P35 comparison option) you find that you have a difference between your P30 (Company) and P35 (Employee) totals either in the tax, PRSI or both then it may be due to one of the following reasons
A new employee was setup with PRSI figures from another employment.
A new employee was setup with P45 pay and tax entered as this employment.
An employee’s PRSI class was changed without retaining existing data.
A manual adjustment was made to an […]
How to Process Disabilty Benefit
To handle Disability Benefit for Irish payroll when the employer pays the employee and the employee gives the cheque(s) to the employer.
N.B. Social Welfare payments are not subject to Income Levy
The Payroll Administrator need to set up three new pay elements:
Disability Addition Taxable – Gross Addition, subject to Tax but not PRSI
Disability Deduction Taxable – Gross Deduction , subject to Tax and PRSI
Disability Addition Net – Net Addition, subject to neither Tax nor PRSI
First Six Weeks or 39 Working Days:
Salary / Basic paid as normal
Amount of Disability cheque entered as a Gross Deduction
Amount of Disability cheque entered as a Net Addition
Result: […]