Validate Employee PPSNs with Revenue before PAYE Modernisation
Do you need to validate your employees’ PPSN details with Revenue.
Revenue is encouraging all employers to validate their employees’ PPSN details well ahead of 2019 and the implementation date for PAYE Modernisation. This is to ensure that 2019 RPN details (the replacement for P2C files) will be correct.
Revenue provide a means for employers to submit a file with all their employees details. And if you use either of Ardbrook’s payroll products – EuroPay or PayDay – then your payroll software is already able to produce the file required by Revenue.
It’s a simple process in both our Payroll products and […]
Worried about the impact of GDPR?
GDPR Regulations come into force from May 25th.
What can you do to help make your sensitive Payroll Data GDPR Compliant?
Encrypt your hard drive
Protect your data from external hackers with the use of a firewall
Use strong passwords to limit access to authorised personnel only and change them regularly
Review what information can be sent by email – ensure that it is encrypted and password protected.
Have strong procedures and policies to manage your payroll data
Consider anonymising key personal data fields – this is a feature if using EuroPay
Know what data you have, including in backup […]
How might PAYE Modernisation affect you? Are you planning for it yet?
There are lots of views as to the potential impact coming down the track from Revenue’s planned PAYE Modernisation initiative.
This article from today’s Irish Times provides insight into the views of various businesses – big and small. It might prompt you to think about some of the possible implications for you.
Let us know what you think. Leave a comment or email us at
PAYE Modernisation will improve payroll processing for your Organisation
PAYE Modernisation will definitely cause payroll processing problems for your organisation
PAYE Modernisation will make no difference to your Organisation
Ever wish you could view your Payslip from your Smartphone?
The smarter way to get your Payslip.
We’re delighted to announce the launch of our great new myESS App.
Employees using myESS can access their actual Payslip over the internet – not just the latest payslip but also payslips from any prior period.
And now with the great new myESS App your Payslips can be delivered straight to your smartphone – accessible wherever and whenever you want.
No more stuffing your payslip into your drawer or the bottom of your bag never to be found when you need it. With the super new myESS App you have full access […]
Budget 2014 – Employers PRSI Increase
Just a reminder that when from 1 July 2011 the lower rate of employer PRSI was halved (to 4.25%) for all jobs that pay up to €356 per week, that the rate will be restored to 8.5% from 1 January 2014.
Budget 2014 – Main Points
The main points of Budget 2014 are as follows:
Pensions, carers’ allowance, disability benefit are untouched.
Basic rate of social welfare stays the same, as does child benefit.
Maternity benefits standardised at €230 per week
Free travel, respite care grant untouched.
Telephone allowance in the household benefit package to be discontinued from January 1st.
Fuel allowance has been left untouched.
€113m to be saved by […]
Budget 2014 – The wait is almost over
At 2:30pm today the Minister for Finance will rise in the Dail and begin the budget speech. While many tax measures appear to have been leaked in advance such as
Increase in DIRT tax to 41%
Capital Gains Tax and Capital Aquisitions Tax to be increased
Property tax to be doubled as outlined previously
Pension tax relief for higher earnings to capped at 65,000 euro
Taxes on the “old reliables” alcohol, cigarretes and petrol expected to go […]
EuroPayX and PayDay Budget Update CD’s
Ardbrook will post out the Budget update CD’s for 2011 Today. If you require the update sooner please contact us, you can collect your CD by courier or receive your update via email or by download.
PayDay – Printing Screens
Within the PayDay irish payroll software package, both the Employee Details and Adjust and Calculate/Payslip screens can be printed by pressing the F12 Key.
PayDay – Did you know about pop-up calculator
In PayDay if you right mouse click in a numeric field in any window then a calculator will pop-up, you can then use it and return the result into the numeric field on screen.